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Multi-speaker modeling

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Utterance Recording WaveRNN SC-WaveRNN Parallel WaveGAN MelGAN Multi-Singer

Singing Voice Synthesis

带 我 飞 飞 过 绝 望dai wo fei fei guo jue wang

Recording FastSpeech2+Multi-Singer

就 飞 多 远 吧jiu fei duo yuan ba

Recording FastSpeech2+Multi-Singer

就 算 很 受 伤 也 不 闪 泪 光jiu suan hen shou shang ye bu shan lei guang

Recording FastSpeech2+Multi-Singer

我 松 开 时 间 的 绳 索wo song kai shi jian de sheng suo

Recording FastSpeech2+Multi-Singer

原 来 你 生 来 就 属 于 天 际yuan lai ni sheng lai jiu shu yu tian ji

Recording FastSpeech2+Multi-Singer

庄 稼 早 已 收 割 完zhuang jia zao yi shou ge wan

Recording FastSpeech2+Multi-Singer


We provide a Google Drive share link for all the applicants. Please note that anyone who downloads this dataset will be deemed to agree to the dataset sharing license.


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